One of the most basic needs of children, aside from food, is for proper medicines. The system in Ukraine holds a high standard in that every facility needs to have a pediatrist on staff. Most facilities have their own doctor who is in charge of the facility along with several registered nurses.

The disadvantage of the orphanage system in Ukraine is that most times the government authorizes and funds only generic and cheap drugs. Most of these are produced in Ukraine, but not quite to Western standards.

After all of the years we’ve spent helping these facilities we know that the doctors would love the have the best types of medications for their children, certainly better than the ‘approved’ list from the government. The right medicine may need to be from a brand, or simply a better drug that’s not on the list. The common cold or flue can spread throughout an entire facility, if not caught in time and managed propoerly.

Typically, we provide facilities with basic needs, such as fever reducers, antihistamines, antivirals, and first aid supplies for cuts and abrasions. We provide anti-fungals, and medicines for helping kids with nausea or who are throwing up. They also need antacids, basic vitamins, cough syrups, throat lozenges, diuretics, mustard plaster, sudocrem, diapers and antibiotics, eye drops and nose drops.

When the war came, of course people rushed to the pharmacies to stockpile what they could. This created a dramatic shortage and tripled the prices for drugs that could be found.
Sometimes we had to deliver needed drugs from other regions of Ukraine. Sometimes, before the collecting the needed amount, we had to visit 10 drugs stores.
Additionally to medicines and drugs, we provided and continue to provide, medical equipment. Such as blood pressure gauges, stethoscopes, glucometers, blood sugar test strips, nebulizer, feeding tubes, wheel chairs, physical therapy equipment, syringes, needles, IV bags and tubes, as well as skin cream to combat irritation for children who must live with feeding tubes.
This is an ongoing need. We are grateful for your ongoing support to help us continue providing for these basic needs for the children.